So I just received by an anonymous person the pairings for the Midland Invitational Tourney that is being held at Pablo's working grounds the Annex. Though, it took some time but the field looks primed and ready for another great tourney of Beer-die. The field to me looks strong, to quite strong, pairings for the most part are very equal, but someone has to make a prediction and who better than this guy!
With the 10 teams that I have been givin, it's hard to say how the tourney will be run so I will give you my top 6 that I think should advance with my pair of championship game teams.
MIF/OX- Mif needs a great, and I mean great defensive player along side of him. And even though I have heard great things about the man named Ox, Mif will have to dress in red and bring an extra set of horns to advance.
RICK/CAT- I haven't picked Rick since I got back, nor will I now. I hate this kid so much, he plays big when I am not on his team. If I was Cat I would change teammates and get an extra set of paws.
KEV/JESSE- These guys won't have a chance. They'll be playing with their phones attached to the ears and pickum sheets all over the table, this will be a distraction from the getgo. I'll take Michigan in the over and Kev/Jesse in the under...(5 points)
HECK/TOAD- Love this team but someone has to go. I hear great things about the Heckler, and Toad finally joining a beer-die tourney should be tons of fun. Howie Hewitt won't be in attendance but the reason for this team not advancing is because he is always on their mind!
PABLO/DOCTOR- I told The Doctor that I wouldn't pick against him but being a blogger I lied. Pablo will be playing on his turf where him and I have some great memories of being teammates. But, this is as far as they go as the Doctor will be looking the whole tourney for a Pitbull armed with some Jameson to come and save the day.
JJ/FREDDIE- JJ tends to step up his game in tourneys like this especially with a rookie on his team. The competition will get tighter as they advance and as Freddie starts to struggle, JJ will remember when Freddie sold to an underager at the packy and it'll get him fired up and they will start to falter.
KO/SAUCE- I told Keith that I wouldn't pick him to go to the finals anymore, but this is not the reason. Sauce got to pick his partner for this tourney and the jinx is on for Keith. Like Sauce has said in the comments, "Too many players, means I'll get too drunk!". And he will and so will you Keith, so with this I give you both a goodnight to the start of a long weekend.
HEAVY/BRI G- Very interest combo! A couple of Irishman fighting for the crown. So Heavy I give you this as a Labor Day present....N O T T O D A Y!!!!!! Bounced, your rain has dried up!
CHAMPIONSHIP JOE JOE/KELVIN vs. SHORTY/GIBBY- Wow, love this match up! Two players that own a basketball court and two that would like to own one in their backyard. Joe had a tough outing in his last tournament and Shorty is showing signs of stepping it up into Hall of Fame status. My sleeper player in this tourney is going to be Kel who is finally going to get the hang of this game and who better to be on your side than Maloney's all-time leading scorer. This game won't even be close as Joe-Joe gets back into beer-die form and Kel hits the walk off for their first beer-die title. But, the real match is after the game, when Gibby and Shorty are so full of beer muscles that they really challenge each other to a game of basketball. As this happens they are doing so much talking and less putting the ball in the hole that they start to duke it out and the game ends in a 0-0 tie. The fight breaks up and as both players are cross eyed they decide to apologize for being stupid and Gibby's wedding next month is canceled as the two kiss and make-up, literally. LOL!
Miss y'll too much! Have a safe Labor Day weekend and I'll be see most of you shortly and some of you this Sunday on Webcam at the SFL Draft.