The 7 teams are as follows...
Meat - Keith Garceau & Chris Wrenn
That's What She Said - K O & C S
Meat - Keith Garceau & Chris Wrenn
That's What She Said - K O & C S
Hogan Brothers - Maynard Lumbra & Dan Gibson
Flock of Geese - Joe Annino & Ron Gambardella
TBA - Brian Gaffey & Pete
TBA - Nick Smith & Marc LeFort
TBA - Jamie Valentine & Steve Heck
Players Not Paticipating
*Dennis Redican*
*D M*
*Jamie Jones*
*R N*
*Chad Farone*
*Pablo Farone*
Players Not Paticipating
*Dennis Redican*
*D M*
*Jamie Jones*
*R N*
*Chad Farone*
*Pablo Farone*
This will be a Men Only event, meaning, do not bring your female companions to watch. Due to time constraints, there will only be snacks served and there will only be one tournament.
Question: Who is Joey Annio?
I tell you who he is - He's my partner. Together we make a flock of geese with the illest goosenecks in the Silver City...
I talked to Bri...he's playing with his Bro-in-law Pete
When did you talk to him? I talked to him around 12:00 and he still wasn't sure.
KRG, what time's the first toss estimated to be on Sat.?
First toss is at 12:00 sharp.
Registration starts at 11:30 but i'll be here setting up starting around 10:30 or so.
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