1st Place -- Team Meat (KRG & C.Wrenn)
2nd Place -- That's What She Said (KO & Shorty)
3rd Place -- Team Jameson (Pitbull & Love Doc)
3rd Place -- Team Jameson (Pitbull & Love Doc)
One of the favorites when the day began, 'That's What She Said' had an extremely disappointing start to the day. They opened with losses in two of their first three round robin games and had to fight just to end up in a three way tie for the 3rd and final seed of the bracket portion. Once they got there, they played top notch Beer Die, winning three straight en route to the Championship Game. Keith sunk 6 cups and Shorty played strong defensively all day. Along the way they avenged earlier defeats to Team Gooseneck & Team Jameson before running out of steam against the eventual champs.
Before this tournament began, there had been some question about the quality of play in the Red Cup Open, because of some of the top players not being in attendance. Well, this wound up as one of the most exciting tourneys in recent history, due in large part to the inspired play of Team Jameson. Love Doc and Pitbull came out of the round robin with the #2 Seed, going 4-2 and shocking everyone in their quest to prove Deez wrong. Marc 'Pitbull' LeFort completed the first ever error free day in tournament history and Nick 'Love Doc' Smith continued his flair for the dramatic by walking off against 'Flock of Geese' with a bounce in sink. These two clowns have incredible team chemistry and they could be a force in future tournaments...
This just in...
Papa Goose has officially retired from Round Robin tournament formats...
too many games = too drunk to play
i guess that i am doing my job as a good blogger since everyone is out to prove me wrong. congrats krg and chris you are now the new dynamic duo. sorry keith, i will not pick you to win another tournament again. as for marc and lovins, were you drinking jameson or was there beer in your cups?
You've got to stop picking me and my teammate to win! I did my best to make your predictions true. You know I'm not one to boast, but ask the other participants who they think the offensive and defensive player of the day was. I could be wrong, but I believe Lovins quote was “He’s not a man! He’s a machine!” Sorry to let you down.
KO was the MVP of the day. The trouble was that team "that's what she said" got out to a slow start and ended up having to play more games and drink more beer than they could handle. As we know, it is a drinking game. Their run, however, was memorable as they knocked down 3 teams in the championship bracket to make it to the final game. Well done boyz. All in, it was a great day.
I threw up all night and my head is sun burned...
Thanks Heavy. I also appreciate the H2O you handed me to drink instead of my cup of beer once the final gun sounded in the championship game. It was the 1st step in my road to recovery after having to play 5 consecutive just to get there!
No problem KO. You earned those waters after the performance you gave. We'll have to drink a few times to get you prepared for the return of Irish Fever in the Michael Myers Massacre......
while KO was celebrating 2nd with some H2O, myself and the only Pitbull Michael Vick couldn't kill drove down to GO and proceeded to pound a shot of warm jameson. I'm comin back hard
Way to stay strong Lovins.....
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